Fashion PR
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Fashion PR

Fashion PR

Fashion PR is the promotion of fashion brands through earned media channels such as broadcast, print, and online media. Fashion PR basically targets editors, reporters, and writers at influential mass fashion media such as Vogue and Elle. These days, fashion PR focuses more on the online influencers who have significant followers amounts on social media. Brands often sending influencers a product in order to get reviewed or paying them to write about your product. Celebrities usually play a larger role in Fashion PR, such as Kendall Jenner.

Although for luxury brands, their PR game still revolves in major events such as the Oscars and New York Fashion Week where fashion takes a lot of attention, with the rise of e-commerce, thousands of brands now have the opportunity to sell more their product and get their own customer to review, and eventually make their customer base grow organically. While pitching reporters at Vogue and Elle is still prospective, we will miss out on a lot of chance to increase sales if we didn’t consider the e-commerce strategy. Pitching smaller publications with highly engaged audiences will also allow us to access a larger audience who’s ready to buy. Furthermore, we also need to sharpen our copywriting skill in order to use the headline to weed out which they should actually pay attention to, because influencers, fashion, and beauty editors receive thousands of emails from brands every day, hence we have to spend extra time crafting an intriguing headline to get the response.

Fashion trends take a season to cycles such as Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. therefore, we have to create a creative pitch to convince beauty editors or online influencer to cover your brand. We can also create a convincing storyline to our advertisement to trick a larger audience without the help of beauty editors.

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