Social Media Tips & Tricks
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As we all know, social media is a very powerful tool in the world we live in today. We love to scroll through our feeds for daily inspo during our free time, but there can be a lot of strategy that goes into how you utilize apps like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. See our top tips below on how to maximize your favorite social media platforms when using them both personally and professionally!

Plan It Out

There are a lot of great apps out there that can help you stay organized and build an amazing feed. We love using apps like Planoly which helps you schedule social media posts in advance by connecting to your Instagram and setting up drafted posts. The app even makes a drafted grid of how your profile will appear including your scheduled posts, which is great for visualizing and creating an aesthetic feed. There are also lots of apps out there that can assist with editing, adding filters, resizing images and more that can make life easier and save you time.

Use Hashtags

Always remember that hashtags are your best friend! Incorporating hashtags into your captions will easily connect with more users and potential followers. Searching for popular trending hashtags can also be a great way to get quick news and trendy information as they are always changing. There are some crazy hashtags out there, from current event tie-ins to tags celebrating events like National Taco Day. Try searching for relevant, trending tags and incorporate them into your feed. Don’t forget that you can add hashtags to Instagram stories, too!

Get Engaged

While you are working on your social media presence, always make it a priority to allot a little bit of time each day to stay active.If building a strong following is something you’re looking to do, one of the best things you can do is get engaged. Scroll through your feed and swipe through stories to see what those you follow or follow you are up to. Try to spread the social media love by liking, commenting and interacting with others, which can easily be done in a matter of minutes. For example, if you see someone post an OOTD, like their picture and comment to ask where they got it. Another great way to build your feed is to curate the photos of others that inspire you. Be sure to re-gram and repost photos or content from others every now and then as it will help  you tap into new follower bases. You may even be surprised to see that the original owner will like, comment or even follow you back after you repost their content. Don’t forget to credit images and tag other users when possible!

Don’t Rush Things

Gucci was not built in a day and nor will your social media empire be. It is great to set up specific strategies, goals and benchmarks for what you would like your social media accomplish, but don’t move too quickly. Posting a photo, article and a few stories each day is a great way to stay active, but be aware that some followers may be turned off by an overload of content in a short amount of time. By focusing on your engagement, posting quality content and staying active within your social media circles you will be able to build a great presence in no time.

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